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Hoya 'DS-70' Varigata - rare oval furry leaved variegated flowering indoor plant

Hoya 'DS-70' Varigata - rare oval furry leaved variegated Trailer


Plant Bio: Oval leaved with pink and white variegation

Position: Good but mostly indirect light

Watering: Infrequent wait until the medium is completely dry and the leaves feel thin.

Growth Habit: Can be grown as a trailer or supported to climb

Pot Size: This plant is supplied in a 12cm pot with comprehensive easy to follow care instructions.

  • Plant Bio :

    Although not the sexist name in the world Hoya 'DS-70' Varigata are beautiful plants with roundish leaves which have splashes of cream & pink.  This is further refined by the black margin.  It is an extremely elegant trailer because the leaves are very close to each other on the stem so it appears to flow out of the pot.   It is hard not to like Hoyas given that they are easy to took after, having stunning young foilage and also produce flower that it is impossible to have a favourite.  But if pressed this would probably be this one which, when happy, can produce a trail as long as 150cm. 

  • Positioning

    Your Hoya 'DS-70' Varigata will appreciate a spot in very good, but mostly indirect, light.  This could be in a West or East facing window where it will get direct light in the morning or late afternoon.  Or further back in a South facing room.  It grows happily in the humidity levels of an average house.

  • Watering

    As with all Hoyas your Hoya 'DS-70' Varigatais drought tolerant having some capacity to store water in its leaves.  Wait until the growing medium is completely dry and the leaves look a little dull and feel thin.  Then completely drench the plant and its medium.  This is a good opporunity to clean the plants leaves.  Let it the excess completely drain away before replacing it in its cover pot.

  • Growth Habits

    Your Hoya 'DS-70' Varigata makes for compact trailing plant as the leaves form very closely together on the stems so it appears to flow out of the pot.   If cared for well these can get very larged with stems as long as 150cm.

  • Pot Size

    Your Hoya 'DS-70' Varigata will be supplied in a 12 cm pot along with comprehensive easy to follow care guidance.

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